martes, 2 de febrero de 2016


The Great Egg Competition
   Primary Levels 201

for all Primary students this term. As with the Carnaval mask competition last year there will be a letter sent to all parents and children will be expected to produce their entries at home. However, it would be a good idea if teachers could introduce the idea of the competition and explain what is expected of students. There is a simple lesson plan attached, and a rough guide for writing the accompanying story(for Upper Primary)
The basis of the competition is as follows
·        Each entry will be based on an egg shape (some example templates attached)
·        These egg shapes – there is no limit on size – should then be decorated or transformed in some way, using any kind of material or technique (paper, crayons, paint, collage etc).
·        They can represent something as simple as a decorated Easter egg, or to the other extreme a whole egg orchestra dressed up in evening dress and each egg with an instrument (one of my students actually DID this with blown eggs once).
Other ideas – a hot air balloon, a cable car, Humpty Dumpty, a car, a ladybird a basket etc.
The childrens’ imagination is the only limit. Look up “decorated eggs ideas” on Google images for more ideas.
Upper Primary students should accompany their entry with a short story involving their egg invention/character.

Last day for the entries is Monday 7th March. It would be good if you could provide your classes with templates to take home to produce their entries, although any size egg shape will be accepted.

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