martes, 5 de abril de 2016


Use the treasure map to revise directions, prepositions of place and seaside and holiday vocabulary. You can make a treasure hunt for the children to do and then get them to invent their own treasure hunts.
Ie: Go to the ……………….., look under the ……………………What is there?.

Go north and find the ………………. What is next to the …………………..?

You can also find the Treasure map on the wiki at

PANTHERS & LIONS              APRIL 2016

William Shakespeare         Lesson Plan                                      Upper Primary

                                                                                                 (look in March 2016 for Lower Primary)

You can also find the lesson plans and material for the Shakespeare project at

  • Picture of Shakespeare
  • Access to Internet and projector
  • LearnEnglishKids worksheet “William Shakespeare” 1.What’s the Word?
  • Text from the “William Shakespeare”video (above link)
  • Worksheets :Plan1/wkst 1
  • Examples of Elizabethan clothing.
  • Scissors, A3 paper or a roll of paper , coloured pencils, rubbers etc.
    There are two lesson plan options here, Plan 1 is easier and probably more suitable for Lions/Greens and Plan 2 is more demanding and more suitable for Panthers/Purples and students will need access to computers. But you should use the option you think most suitable for the level of your class.
  1. Show your class a photo of Shakespeare(Google it, or show the attached picture) and ask who they think it is. Write their suggestions on the board. For the moment don’t tell them the answer.
  2. Write the following questions on the board and get students to guess the answers in small groups or pairs.
  • When was he born ?
  • Where was he born ?
  • What was his job ?
  1. Go to
                 and play the video until 1.13   Students compare their guesswork with the answers on the
  2. Do the word matching activity on LearnEnglishKids (1.What’s the word) and correct any mistakes.

Go to the games section and play the first game, selecting clothes for the different characters.

  1. PLAN 1 (easier ) – Go over the questions the children must answer for the rest of the video on LEK (PLAN 1/WST 1)
    Either give the children the text to the video or watch the video.
    Feedback and play/read again if necessary.
    If you want to do more, you can continue with the LEK worksheet “What’s the Order?”, numbering the sentences.
    PLAN 2 (more complete and more difficult)-  The children will need access to computers for this option. Explain that they are going to do a webquest, using links and finding the answers to the questions on the worksheet.( PLAN 2/WKST 1) They will be finding out more information about Shakespeare for the display work that they will be doing later.
  • Divide your class into groups, and give each group a different part of Shakespeare’s life to investigate. Each group has a different task, or set of questions to answer. If you prefer to simplify the quest give everyone the questions to Important dates in Shakespeare’s life.

  • The titles are
  • Shakespeare’s family,
  •  The Globe Theatre,
  • Shakespeare’s work,
  • Important dates in Shakespeare’s life,
  • Other Famous People from Shakespeare’s time.
  •  Shakespeare today.

  • Students are given the following links.

Display/Art and Craft Work
  1. Onsite
    On a large length of paper (see Johnny o Anna), get the students to lightly draw round one member of the class and then convert this drawing into Shakespeare with the Elizabethan  clothing (see attached example of clothing styles)
    Students use the example of clothing in the Elizabethan era to draw an imaginary picture of Shakespeare on A3  paper. 
  2. Both groups above make “posters” or “mini posters” to stick, like satellites around the figure of Shakespeare (the ones onsite will be displayed on the wall), using the information about him that they have collected in the the previous activities.

                                Offsite                                                                                Onsite

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